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Portfolio: Services
Retail Project

Retail Project


Portfolio: Welcome
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Retail Project

Date Started-Completed:

Sep 6- Oct 18, 2018

Project Goals/Brief:

Design a boutique retail shopping experience for a vintage cookbook store called “Food for Thought”. The task is to create a space that showcases the products in a unique and innovative way 


Richmond Center Mall 

Skills Used:

Working with restrictions (signage, sizing, placement of materials, plumbing, common vs. private areas, transporting materials in), representation (Photoshop, drawing), concept

Portfolio: Bio
Portfolio: Portfolio
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Office Project

Date Started-Completed:

Oct 18- Nov 15, 2018

Project Goals/Brief:

Design a new corporate office for the retail store previously worked on (Vintage cookbook store). The project is a tenant improvement  to achieve LEED-CI Gold. Consider Evidence-based design, sustainability, reflection of brand and corporate values, accommodate future growth, promote collaboration, productivity & employee wellness, and attract and retain employees. 


Marine Gateway Building 

Skills Used:

Representation (presentation), WELL research, space planning

Portfolio: Bio
Portfolio: Portfolio

Healthcare Project

Date Started-Completed:

Jan 3- Feb 14, 2019

Project Goals/Brief:

Design a mixed-use assisted living and residential care facility for permanent residents with dementia. The building will be designed to a class B occupancy under Vancouver Coastal Healthcare Design Guidelines. 


Evergreen Building, 1285 W Pender St. 

Skills Used:

Finish selection, Teamwork, Evidence-based design, building code, space planning

Other remarks:

Group Project (Credit to Morgan Ard & Meg Taylor) 

Portfolio: Bio
Portfolio: Portfolio
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Restaurant Project

Date Started-Completed:

Feb 28- April 10, 2019

Project Goals/Brief:

Design a premium casual dining experience for a Hungarian restaurant called Paprika. Design an environment that is universally designed, has a specific character and ambiance, and focus on the detailing and lighting of the restaurant. 


303 West Pender St, Vancouver 

Skills Used:

Representation (photoshop, sketchup), lighting design/ intent, custom furniture + fixture designs

Portfolio: Bio
Portfolio: Portfolio
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Millwork Project

Date Started-Completed:

Oct 2- October 29, 2018

Project Goals/Brief:

Two part assignment; to sketch a piece of millwork from all sides (axonometric, plan, section, elevation + detail), and then put it into AutoCAD. Research different millwork details and ergonomic data, materials, and equipment, and apply it to the design. 

Skills Used:

Hand drawing skills, AutoCAD skills

Portfolio: Bio
Portfolio: Portfolio
Portfolio: Welcome
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